Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Monsanto Reconfirms 2010 Guidance and 2012 Financial Commitments on Strength of Larger Expected Launches for Blockbuster Products

The positive mix lift expected as farmers choose to upgrade to next-generation technologies allows Monsanto Company (NYSE: MON) to reconfirm its commitment to double its 2007 gross profit in 2012, Monsanto President and CEO Hugh Grant will tell investors today. Speaking at the company's biennial investor day, Grant will indicate that accelerated launches for its Genuity™ SmartStax™ corn and Genuity™ Roundup Ready 2 Yield® soybean products, along with accelerated trait penetration in Latin America, create the opportunity and set the priorities as the company's management outlines the operational plans to meet its 2012 financial and commercial targets.
Monsanto's management team will also indicate the company remains on track to meet its fiscal-year 2010 guidance targets.
"Our growth strategy from 2010 through 2012 boils down to three operational imperatives: the conversion to Genuity SmartStax in U.S. corn, the farmer choice of upgrading to the Genuity Roundup Ready 2 Yield platform in U.S. soybeans, and the opportunity as Latin America increases its technology adoption," said Grant. "We are positioned as an agricultural technology company that can consistently deliver innovation on farm every year, and our R&D prowess makes it possible for us to deliver the positive mix lift across our product offerings. This creates real value for farmer customers that will in turn strengthen their businesses."
As part of the event, Grant and Monsanto's executive team will outline the operational plans and expectations for these three key factors. Specifically, the company expects:
A larger-than-expected launch of Genuity SmartStax, with initial commercial opportunity of more than 4 million acres in 2010, an increase over the previously announced 3 million to 4 million acre range. Genuity SmartStax supply is expected to be unconstrained by 2012, enabling the company to meet market demand a year earlier than originally expected. As part of the accelerated adoption of Genuity SmartStax, the company unveiled a new portfolio of product upgrades for key U.S. corn segments, making it the only company in the industry offering three differentiated corn traits with reduced-refuge options. In addition to Genuity SmartStax, the company offers Genuity™ VT Double PRO™ traits package, the first-of-its-kind double-stack corn offering a reduced refuge of 5 percent in the corn belt and Genuity™ VT Triple PRO™, the only triple-stack with reduced refuge of 20 percent available in the South. Monsanto expects that approximately 2 million acres of Genuity VT Triple PRO will be available in 2010. Additionally, the company announced its intention to work with collaborator Dow AgroSciences LLC to submit the regulatory package by the end of the 2009 calendar year to support a 5 percent Refuge-in-a-Bag (RIB) option for Genuity SmartStax.
A more rapid conversion to the Genuity Roundup Ready 2 Yield® platform. The company unveiled early-season yield-trial data that indicates Genuity Roundup Ready 2 Yield is consistently delivering a step-change yield improvement over competitive varieties. With a three-year rolling average yield benefit of more than 7 percent across almost 25,000 comparisons, Genuity Roundup Ready 2 Yield has delivered even stronger yield benefits in the largest soybean-growing states. The company increased its launch-year expectation for 2010 to 8 million to 10 million acres, compared with its previous projection of 7 million to 8 million acres.
The ascension of the Latin American corn market as Argentina and Brazil are gaining momentum in the adoption of biotech traits. Both Argentina and Brazil have granted breakthrough approvals for core corn traits and are on the front-edge of adoption curves for these traits. In the last few months, Brazilian regulatory authority CTNBio granted approval for Monsanto's second-generation corn-borer trait product and the first simple corn stack product, allowing for potential availability in 2011, a year earlier than originally planned.
"If the last few years have been about demonstrating the value of our stacked trait platform, the task of the next two years is about expanding the opportunity for growers to experience that platform," Grant said. "That means we have to offer a technology touch to every farmer, and today we have in our toolkit more differentiated tools to do that than ever before."
Beyond 2012: The Industry's Best R&D Pipeline
Beyond 2012, Monsanto's opportunity reflects its industry-leading R&D pipeline. Chief Technology Officer Robb Fraley and senior technology leaders will unveil a number of significant advances in the company's R&D pipeline, highlighting the following:
After an early assessment of the company's R&D results for 2009, the company expects nine projects in the biotechnology pipeline to advance phases when it reports its R&D results in January 2010. These early assessments do not yet include evaluations of the company's yield-and-stress pipeline, yet they would be close to matching Monsanto's record of 10 phase advancements in a single year.
Monsanto has confirmed the value of its biotechnology pipeline, and by 2020 expects it will create more than $4 billion in gross sales at the farmgate - beyond the launches of Genuity SmartStax and Genuity Roundup Ready 2 Yield. The company also unveiled valuations for its germplasm pipeline, where it expects investments in breeding and breeding technology to create more than $3.5 billion in 2020 gross sales at the farmgate. Additionally, the company unveiled the industry's first disease-focused breeding platform for germplasm.
Taken together, the company estimates its R&D pipeline can deliver more than $8 billion in gross sales at the farmgate through biotechnology and breeding in 2020, with upside opportunity through product and geographic expansions.

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